Hope North Supports WWO in the Struggle to Protect Orphans
Posted on November 26, 2011 by Cause Effect Agency
The Worldwide Orphans Foundation, an organization whose mission is “to transform the lives of orphaned children” had its annual gala on November 27, 2011. The event was hosted by Amy Poehler and Will Arnett, and the two lit up the room with their wit and angle on what is otherwise a very unfunny topic.
Jane Aronson, the executive director of WWO managed to pull off a star-studded fundraiser worthy of the potential donors she had assembled there, names like Andrew Garfield, Academy Award nominee for The Social Network and star of the upcoming Spider-Man movie and his co-star Emma Stone.
Andrew Garfield and Okello Sam at the WWO Gala 2011
Andrew Garfield and Okello Sam at the WWO Gala 2011Mary-Louise Parker was also in attendance and with her co-activist Okello Sam, founder of Hope North, a school for former child-soldiers and Chris Talbott, founder of Cause Effect Agency, the sole U.S. fundraiser for Hope North.
The link between WWO and Hope North was made weeks earlier when a phone call between WWO and Cause Effect Agency established a common goal for helping children and noted the many areas of overlap such as WWO’s school for orphans near Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Hope North’s continued support for the many children who are orphaned because of the fighting in Uganda.
The call also included talk of a sister-school opportunity and the intention of further discussion on the subject. The shared vision is there and the gala served to reinforce these intentions. A world without orphans or child-soldiers may only be a dream, but a partnership for good between these two amazing groups is becoming a reality.