Hope North Ping-Pong Ball a Smashing Success!

Posted on April 11, 2011 by Cause Effect Agency

Thanks to all who came out to support Hope North on March 27 at SPiN New York.  The dust has settled and we’ve tabulated the results and are thrilled to announce that the event raised a total of $61,000—more than twice our original fundraising goal and enough to support 40 Hope North students for an entire year!

Ping-Pong Ball hosts Mary-Louise Parker and Susan Sarandon with Hope North founder Okello Sam

Ping-Pong Ball hosts Mary-Louise Parker and Susan Sarandon with Hope North founder Okello Sam

Ping-Pong Ball hosts Mary-Louise Parker and Susan Sarandon with Hope North founder Okello Sam

This would not have been possible without the incredible support of hosts Susan Sarandon and Mary-Louise Parker, all at SPiN New York, the amazing lineup of musicians and host committee members, event sponsors, and auction donors. Special thanks are also due to Carrie Wykoff of Events That Matter and her team for helping to make this event a reality.

To everyone who attended the event, please know that your contribution has made a real difference for the students at Hope North. Photos from the event are below.

Cause Effect Agency founder Chris Talbott introduces Okello Sam

Cause Effect Agency founder Chris Talbott introduces Okello Sam

Rufus Wainwright

Rufus Wainwright

Martha Wainwright joins her brother Rufus onstage

Martha Wainwright joins her brother Rufus onstage

Josh Ritter

Josh Ritter

Joseph Arthur

Joseph Arthur

Jesse Malin

Jesse Malin

Charlie Mars

Charlie Mars

Ping-Pong Ball guests

Ping-Pong Ball guests


Chris Talbott on Smart Celebrity Strategy in Fast Company


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